
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

EYA Board Seeks Bright, New Members

Interested in Our Organization and Becoming Involved Long Term?

The EYA board is comprised of young-minded individuals, passionate about advancing EYA's vision to expand EYA's sustainability programs across Metro Vancouver and internationally. The EYA board supports staff and volunteers through strategic planning activities, dedicated committees (policy, fundraising, social enterprise, board recruitment) and establishing direction for other programming initiatives (project-based funding proposals).

EYA has three vacant board positions that will be filled at 2012 EYA's Annual General Meeting. Over the next six months, EYA's Board Recruitment Committee will define the desired skills-sets from board members and recruit passionate individuals that may meet EYA's board needs. This is an exciting opportunity for EYA members and volunteers to get further involved - or engage passionate individuals that are interested in supporting EYA in a board capacity.

If you or anyone you know are interested in learning more about EYA board positions, please email Jonathan Reimer ( or Emily Hoffpauir ( They will be happy to provide an overview of the board's responsibilities and outline the recruitment time frame that concludes with board elections in March 2012.

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