So the other day I just learnt how to make seedballs at a little workshop held by Kevin, an intern with EYA. I actually hadn't heard much about seed balls but thought it sounded easy and it turned out to be fun too. We mixed up some compost, clay and seeds and voila, all we needed to do is roll them up and dry them. They are so handy for using and carrying around too. So if you don't mind getting your hands dirty then lets get to work making seedballs!
The making and scattering of seedballs is an ancient practice that was reintroduced in modern times by Masanobu Fukuoka, a Japanese farmer who was commited to developing a unique method of small scale organic farming that mimics natural conditions as much as possible. Fukuuoka's method does not use pesticides, fertilizers, weeding or tilling, and seedballs are important part of sowing seeds. Fukuoka called it "Do nothing farming".
Why seedballs?
Seedballs have been used in guerilla gardening since the seeds dont need to be planted and can simply be scattered across the soil. The clay dissolves gradually as the balls are exposed to water, releasing the seeds when adequate moisture is present. Seedballs are usefull for seeding dry, compacted soil and for reclaiming derelict ground. They are handy because you can just chuck them over fences into empty lots.
How to make seedballs:
Step 1: Mix 1/4 cup of assorted seeds (use soil builders and nitrogen fixers like: winter rye and buckwheat and also pollinator-loving plants like phacelia and alyssum mixed with some native species) with 2 cups of dry organic compost.
Step 2: Add just enough dry terracotta clay (purchase from art supply store) and water to hold the mix together.
Step 3: Take a pinch of the mixture and roll in palm of your hand into about penny-sized round balls.
Steap 4: Scatter seedballs wildly!
In the end nature ultimately decides what to grow where.
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