
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Earth Hour

“So the world goes into a standstill?” 16 year old Maya Bhangoo from Windermere says. Yes, this 27th, residents all over the world will give up an hour for the planet. It’s funny when I visualize, say, a light bulb – earth, come 8:30 I see it dimming and click! It goes off, just a black dot hanging around in the universe.

Earth hour was founded by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in 2007. Since then over 88 countries have participated with more to come this year. Sidney had started this tradition and from then on numerous countries have chosen to participate.

Just take some time out of your hectic day and walk around your home. What can you turn off without affecting yourself too much? What can you do to remind yourself to turn off the lights? It’s just an hour of your time. I myself have participated in this event since only last year. Until then I had not heard of its existence. But what I did was, tell all my friends about it, since that time, they’ve forgotten and I have just reminded them. If you can’t make the sacrifice of just an hour (which I am sure you can), tell someone else to do so.

But what they asked me was why, and what do I do in that hour? Well I’ve compiled a list of things for you to do in that small span of time:

  1. Light a Candle (or several)
  2. Read a scary book under Candle light (trust me that’s fun)
  3. Have a conversation about ________(anything is fine)
  4. Dinner under Candle Light
  5. Sing songs
  6. Walk the Dog (or cat)
  7. Eat some food
  8. Play an instrument
  9. Listen to music
  10. Candle lighted board games
  11. Tell scary stories
  12. Tell Jokes
  13. Play hide and seek
  14. Sleep
  15. Go for a walk
  16. Meditate
  17. Draw under candle light
  18. Play Cards under candle light

If turning off your lights for an hour didn’t excite you in anyway, I hope that did. Hopefully some time away from technology does some good. I know exactly because more than half of that list, not during Earth hour, I’ve done. It something more than just one hour, it’s unity for us and a benefit for the world’s climate.

1 comment:

Julia T said...

Fun activities! Thanks!