
Monday, December 28, 2009

University Contributions

Students from a University of British Columbia "Student Directed Seminar" (GEOG 442 - Food Communications: Improving the Food System by Increasing Awareness) engage readers about issues on food security and justice, sustainability, and the like via their blog, ENVIRONMENTAL COMMUNICATIONS. As the course is now over, I suspect that the blog will no longer be updated, or perhaps simply irregularly updated by anyone who's particularly keen. Still though, I encourage you to head on over, as there are some fascinating reads. If only this course had been around while I was still studying at UBC :-P

Tiffany Tong, a UBC student in the Faculty of Land and Food System's Global Resource Systems, was one of nine participants in UBC's first "Terry Talks" (now termed, "TEDxTerry talks"). If you haven't heard of the Terry Talks, perhaps the much lauded TEDtalks sound (more) familiar. Though all nine students had fascinating passions to share - and I am grateful to have been a member of the audience - I'd like to focus on Tiffany's talk on urban agriculture: "Redefining Boundaries"

Redefining boundaries: Urban Agriculture: Tiffany Tong from terrytalks on Vimeo.

And from Simon Fraser University, THE GREEN THUMB CITIZENS:

"Three SFU Communication students aiming for social change in Vancouver through Urban Agriculture: Alex Burr, Jeremy Addleman and Isabelle Jacques. Our interest for Urban Agriculture grew out of a desire to engage Vancouverites in a grassroots movement supportive of food security and sustainability. With Spreading Seeds, we aim to get the people to re-think the urban landscape as an integral part of the public space which is for them to create, transform and inhabit in meaningful ways." [The Green Thumb Citizens]

Their short documentary, "Spreading Seeds" :

Spreading Seeds from Alex Burr on Vimeo.

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